


Date Player Event
2024/10/09 Kirk McCARTY Assigned to the minor league
TSENG Song En Assigned to the minor league
Daniel MENGDEN Assigned to the minor league
YUEH Tung Hua Assigned to the minor league
José DE PAULA Assigned to the minor league
LU Yen Ching Assigned to the minor league
CHIANG Kun Yu Assigned to the minor league
CHENG Kai Wen Assigned to the minor league
KAO Yu Chieh Assigned to the minor league
LEE Chen Chang Assigned to the minor league
CHAN Tzu Hsien Assigned to the minor league
HSIEH Jung Hao Assigned to the minor league
CHEN Tzu Hao Assigned to the minor league
WANG Wei Chen Assigned to the minor league
MA Kang Called up
PENG Shih Ying Called up
CHEN Chia Chu Called up
WANG Yi Kai Called up
CHEN Tong En Called up
CHEN Po Chun Called up
SU Wei Ta Called up
LIN Jui Chun Called up
HSU Ting Lun Called up
LIN Chih Kang Called up
HUANG Jun Lin Called up
LIU Kuei Yuan Called up
CHANG Shr Lun Called up