


Date Player Event
2024/09/15 Lin Shao En Called up
CHIANG Cheng Feng Assigned to the minor league
2024/09/13 陳維祥 Called up
TAKASHIO Masaki Called up
2024/09/12 KUO Chun Lin Assigned to the minor league
CHANG Wei Sheng Assigned to the minor league
2024/09/11 LIU Hsuan Ta Assigned to the minor league
KUO Chun Lin Called up
2024/09/08 CHEN Yun Wen Assigned to the minor league
LIN Hong Xian Called up
2024/09/07 Brock DYKXHOORN Assigned to the minor league
Mario SANCHEZ Called up
2024/09/06 Sung Wen-Hua Called up
2024/09/05 HU Chih Wei Assigned to the minor league
2024/09/03 HU Chin Lung Called up
LIN Tzu Chieh Called up
CHIANG Cheng Feng Called up
2024/09/02 LIN Yi Chuan Assigned to the minor league
YANG Chun Siang Assigned to the minor league
Lin Shao En Assigned to the minor league