


Date Player Event
2024/10/07 HUANG Pao Lo Assigned to the minor league
LIN Zhen Cheng Called up
2024/10/06 HUANG Pao Lo Called up
CHEN Shih Peng Assigned to the minor league
2024/10/05 CHEN Ping Hong Called up
CHANG Yi Assigned to the minor league
2024/10/04 YEH Tzu Ting Called up
LEE Tsung Hsien Assigned to the minor league
2024/10/01 CHIANG Kuo Hao Assigned to the minor league
CHANG Yu Cheng Assigned to the minor league
Aaron Leasher Assigned to the minor league
CHANG Chin Te Assigned to the minor league
CHANG Jui Ling Called up
LIN Ze Bin Called up
YAO Kuan Wei Called up
Ben Braymer Called up